Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gogobot Brings Game Mechanics And Rewards To Online Travel

With the rise in prominence of the social graph, we've seen the proliferation of services like Facebook Connect, which have brought the social web to third party sites and helped make sharing an integral part of the Web's new plumbing. Social seems to be the default setting these days, but as is often the case, there are a few exceptions. The online travel industry, for one, is composed of sites that came of age early in the evolution of the Web, and by and large, still lacks many of the features of Web 2.0, like discovery, openness, and social integration to name a few. For how popular peer and friend-based recommendation systems have become for movies, music, and other forms of content discovery, one might think that social recommendations would by now have made their way into the travel planning and exploration process. After all, when it comes to finding good places to visit when you're traveling or on vacation, recommendations from friends tend to be of the most value. Last November, Gogobot launched to address this very issue, aiming to breathe new life into the online travel discovery space.

Georgina Grenville Michelle Trachtenberg Amanda Bynes Ana Ivanovi Jessica Cauffiel

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